#1 Website Conversion Toolset for Real Estate Agencies and Developers

Take your Real Estate website to the next level with personalised conversations

We have tested conversion tools, timing and messaging combinations with hundreds of Real Estate companies with millions of visitors - and know exactly how to convert visitors into more qualified buyers and sellers with what percentages.


Show messages based on the actions that your visitors take

We have tested over 1000+ combinations on Real Estate websites and know exactly what pages will convert and with what percentages.

+1000 Conversion combinations
12-54% Conversion from visitors
Utilise data from your website

Personalised conversations and messaging created automatically - based on services, pages and data.

We utilise all the website pages you have and automatically pick relevant data to show in the messaging created for your customer. Your visitors will only see relevant messaging, after taking relevant actions.

Use product and website data
Utilise images from pages
Send leads to right people

Examples of actions and messaging

Here are some of the example scenarios as to how your potential customers take actions on your website - and in return what messaging and tools work the best for you to help them engage.


Your customer visits a blog page, and has read 80% of the blog. We can show a popup that signs them up with for a newsletter or direct lead "Hey! Did you want a free valuation of your property"

On your blog pages
Newsletter signups and leads

Your customer starts to search on your website, but doesn't find the properties or services they are after. We can show a chatbot message "Hi! Did you not find what you are looking for?"

On your search pages
Get feedback from your visitors

Your customer visits a property listing page on your website. You can display a message using the relevant agent's image and name, to contact for a showing. "Hi! I am Jane Doe, the agent for this property! Would you like to arrange a showing?"

On your property pages
Create more qualified leads

Your visitor is looking for information about your agency, and wants to apply for a position. We can show a message "Would you like to join Company X as an agent?"

On your company and team pages
Attract top agents

Access all the benefits of modern conversion tools

Want to know what messaging works your business?

Route leads to the right person or team

By automatically sending leads to the right people in your team can reduce the risk of your competition taking your potential customers.

Qualify your customers to save time

Automatically qualifying your leads will make sure that you are speaking to the type of customers you want to work with.

Help your visitors find what they are looking for

Friendly conversations and simply asking them what they are looking for can easily help them find what they are looking for and reduce frustration.

Manage all your leads and customers in one place

All your leads flow seamlessly into one place making it easier for you and your team to maintain all customer relationships in the future.


All of the above done with the below conversion tools

Chatbot & Live chat

Create chatbots that feel human and fill your business requirements. We work with brands to create lead generation, customer support and multichannel chatbots.

Connect with Livechat, and host up to thousands of agents. Encrypt all conversations and host on your own servers. Combine all channels to one platform.

Smart popups

Communicate with your customers with non-intrusive popups. Show exit-intent popups when your user is about to leave the website, or a popup after your customer selects to download a PDF. The options are endless. Simple builder allows creating of popups in minutes.

Dynamic forms

Create conversion optimised multi-step forms for buying services, products or gathering leads. You can also build quizzes, tests or single landing pages utilising our form builder. Our difference is UI, our forms are unique and fun for the customer to fill.

Content Conversations

Conversations that engages users inside your content. Place in blogs, articles or inside your website. Another layer of lead generation. Utilise as landing pages for 5-15% conversion rates.

Interactive experiences

Explain your products and services with changing visuals. Use as landing pages without building any landing pages to generate highly qualified and interested leads through conversations.

Lead bar

Show announcements and gather newsletter signups with a site wide - or page specific lead bar. This can be displayed on the top or the bottom of any page on your website.

"I was expecting Serviceform just to move our traditional contact forms to their conversion tools to improve our customer experience. I was surprised how I didn't have to spend more time on improving our conversions on the website. All I had to do was attend one simple onboarding meeting and they increased our website conversion by 47%"

Marta Rifa
Engel & Völkers

Manage your customers

CRM & Ticketing

Manage your customers in one place. All the leads from your conversion tools smoothly roll in and all you need to do is to get your sales team to close them.


Our analytics tool focuses on every user, their path and is focused on conversion, not traffic. Track the paths your customers took to form submissions or button clicks you consider important.Create A/B tests and split tests, without any code. Easily follow which variation is performing better.


Create email and SMS campaigns and send them to the lists in your CRM. Choose from a list of beautiful templates or create your own. You can also send sequences and automatically trigger emails based on actions from your CRM.

How it works

Our goal is to remove the frustration of having to figure out the right tools and messaging on your website which would bring you the most amount of $$$.


Install the
Serviceform Pixel

This will only take 2 minutes of your busy schedule. The Serviceform Pixel is going to be your one source of truth for everything we do.

After all we are all about data driven messaging and tools to show you what's working and what's not. This wont just be about your conversion but how your website is performing as an overall.


Attend one simple onboarding meeting

One the Pixel is installed, we need you to attend one simple onboarding meeting with our conversion specialists who specifically are the best in the world for your industry.

This meeting is for us to understand your business goal and what it is that you primarily want to achieve from your website. Once we have that information we get to work immediately and remove any stress around conversion for you.


Start converting - and continuosly optimise

As soon as we set up the right messaging and tools for your website pages we push one button to go live to start converting.

Now the work doesn't stop here. We start gathering data for a period of two months and have an optimisation meeting with for us to look at the results together. From this point on, it's nothing but continuously optimising to drive conversion even further.


We work with real estate clients around the world

We've clients from around the world, mostly in Europe and the United States. We're in good company.


"With the conversion tools we are able to receive more information about our leads, the phase of the purchasing process they are in and what exactly are they looking for.

This way we can give them the best possible service and convert them into clients more quickly."

Mireia Folguera
Instituto Marques

“Serviceform has always lived up to what they promise.

From the first conversations to the monitoring of the tools, they are always attentive, understanding our needs and providing solutions.”

Olga Sala

“We were throwing a lot of money into Facebook ads but struggled with conversion, and after testing many tools we found Serviceform. The simplicity and results are amazing.”

Anssi Kiviranta
Strand Properties

“The conversion tools are very useful, they come with a great variety of options and are suitable for all kinds of answers.

They allow us to filter a lot of information, thus improving the quality of the leads that we receive.”

Mireia Miquel
Bourgeois Fincas

Why choose Serviceform?

We know real estate - and we're continuously getting even better. We've worked with 200+ real estate agencies, developers and find out what tools, messaging and timing works to get the most amount of leads from your real estate website.

We take over website conversion for you. Our goal is to continuously test new technology and messaging to remove all learning and frustration that you otherwise would have to go through to make it happen. You will never have to worry about being on the hunt for the best conversion tools and pay for multiple services and subscriptions.